Fundamentals Of Love - Eros Desire - Eros Desire


Smell The Roses, Spice The Feelings, Building The Unthinkable


Tuesday 8 October 2019

Fundamentals Of Love - Eros Desire

The dream relationship you are looking for is not found, gotten, planned or even bought as a matter of fact its made up of numerous challenge, tears and sweat (lol, don’t get me wrong).

On a serious note to have that dream relationship would take a lot from you than what you might be willing to give, wake up its not just love, feelings looks or personality it goes way beyond that and mind you, you are not trying to look for someone who you can change but rather you are looking for someone whose person fits into your person and finding this person or these kind of persons is a different ball game entirely but not impossible.

now lets say you have found someone maybe not with similar interest but has got your interest even when they do thing how they do it what language do you see that makes or should make you feel that there is room for tomorrow?

i wont say i am the best when it comes to relationships but i have been and i have seen counseled and experience happy relationship, homes, families you name it and one thing i have come to realise to be happy, you must be willing to sacrifice and to grow you must be willing to build foundational blocks.

What Are Foundational Blocks?

Now foundational blocks are the basis that work hand in hand to make a relationship healthy. I have stated some foundational blocks below which i know would be very helpful in keeping and grooming that healthy relationship that you dream and hope for.

  • LOVE
Love is the number one driver/ motive to every relationship a gathering without love is war how much more a relationship and hopefully a romantic relationship. abide in love, be blinded by it, let love lead and you would feel less angry, more understanding and more control, control over your emotions, tongue, actions, thoughts and much more aspiration.

Been blinded by love is the first step but you have to trust your love to be able to be blind by it now the  million dollar question is how do you build trust? what are the criteria to building trust? are you trustworthy? should you be trusted? ... and the list goes on but trust is that singular feeling that can take a life time to build and a second to loose. Bottom line be trustworthy and you would be trusted so also you would be able to trust, it begins with you.

With trust and love comes understanding, understanding one another is like glue to two surfaces; they stick together so should you too. Understanding is very unique as you would find yourself feeling , been and giving love like you never imagined it gets better when your partner does something and without explanation you already know why they did it and are confident that their intentions are good even when you don't know but with the trust in your understanding cannot be withheld.

Being true to yourself is not just great but wise and been true to your partner is best trust and understanding all rely on your person and how honest you can be it may hurt at first but in the long wrong what you would gain is way much bigger than what you stand to loose if you doubt me when next you get among new folks keep your honesty feature on and tell me how they reacted then how how they would see you in the comings days ahead honesty or rather been honest is a biter coated sugar at first it may seem foolish but at last it is the wise choice.

Respect is seeing your partner as equals and treating them as such that they are not in your shoes or not doing the same thing you are doing doesn't make them less of you, it also doesn't mean they are not doing anything at all little drops matter no mater how small give them respect and treat them as you yourself treat yourself and please learn to show appreciation to even the slightest things, little things matters a lot.

Now note this, you and your partner are a team, dont let society confuse you if harm cant get to you directly then trust me it would aim for your partner so how do you build yourself, align your partner one person cannot build a team and one person cannot accomplish what ten would in the same range of time so dont be foolish love, care, respect and cherish your partner how they represent themselves also represents you. Be wise

Finally, the mother of them all communication; don't assume that they know are they should be aware say it don't feel like you can handle it even though you can; say it remember you are a team and a team without good communication is doomed to fail. Yes, Fail you may be showing it in signs and behavior but it all counts to nothing if you not saying it at the end and dont blame your partner for not understanding as you failed on your own path to communicate it.

On this note i would and i must say building your dream relationship begins with you, starts from you and evolves around you

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