Guidelines To Building New Relationship - Eros Desire


Smell The Roses, Spice The Feelings, Building The Unthinkable


Thursday 23 January 2020

Guidelines To Building New Relationship

Starting a new relationship is like opening a can of sardine you might be expecting to find two fishes inside and then boom you find one. A new relationship isn’t far from this matter of fact it s very close to this as most persons tend to use the mindset from their previous relationships to watch out for red flags and ditches. Well there are some unique straps to your new relationship that you should keep in mind when you are starting up or growing a newly found love.

1.       Don’t be all over.

Things should be gradual and reciprocal. Yes it is important to follow a plan like they come up with something today you should come up with the second and probably the third so as not to make it look like you are waiting on them to make the first move but I must say there is a downside to this as not everyone are into making the first moves and many see things differently from how you see it and what you know so don’t feel bad been the first one to initiate the plan but leave room for it to be gradual give room for their opinions and thought even if you know that you are the outgoing type, risk take and the life of the places you step into do keep in mind that everyone is not like you and give room for gradual growth DON’T BE ALL OVER.


Don’t get intimate with a person until you are comfortable discussing everything with them. “If you aren’t comfortable asking them about STDs and STIs or telling them about your own sexual health, it’s not yet the time to have sex,” matter of fact, don’t have sex until both partners are 100% ready. Also keep in mind peoples sexual preferences differs having a partner who feels ready may not fully be enough so keep and eye on the lining the mood might seem right but that just because of the mood, time or place “having sex with a partner who is ready differs from a partner who thinks and feels ready ”.


Asking around for his or her past, may seem right but it really isn’t! don’t do that even if you have common friends, don’t try to question them about your partner. Rather discuss it with them this way you are solving two issues with first you are keeping your relationship a relationship between the concerned person and also you are adding a little more bonding to the already growing bonds so why not discuss it with them rather than finding difficulty trying to explain the situation when they feel bad or offended. You shouldn’t rely societal accounts either what a person pretends to be in midst of a people and what a person actually is are two totally different things you be thinking he or she is a poser but know that may just be who they are naturally the best way to understand your partner is communication and spending time together.


Stating your deal breakers is a go to link in every new relationship still try to remain open to trying new foods and participating in new activities. While doing this you shouldn’t denigrate yourself, If you have things in your past that you consider less than ideal—for example, your previous partner cheated on you, you should find a way to discuss or disclose these things in a positive light, and don’t discuss topics that are controversial or depressing. The start of a new relationship ought to be light and full of life and things can become more serious with time but it's best to get anything that could gum up the works later off your chest immediately. A few choice deal-breakers? Whatever your list looks like.

And it's not fair if you wait until much later to bring them up. "It is better sooner than later to mention deal breakers, so that you are fair to the other person, and so that you are not wasting either of your time and it'll be easiest for both of you if you pull the plug at the beginning rather than been in an uncomfortable relationship.


Firstly take a good look at yourself, what you want and who you are also knot that it wont come the way you want even if it does initially there is no guarantee that it would be that way many relationships fail simply because you expect too much from the person you happen to be in a relationship with and besides it’s rather dishonest to expect perfection from someone else. Both of you are human beings and it’s natural that you have some shortcomings and imperfections which can be worked on to a certain level but not to perfection but keep in mind that knowing who you are and what you want is a very good leap to building a strong relationship and also knowing your deal breakers.

6.       BE REAL

While trying to be a better, re-branded version of yourself when you first meet someone remember that deep down you are still who you are with what you know and what you have learnt over the course of time so acting to be someone different from who you truly are will never work out in the long run. You should also cross-check to make sure you are both looking for the same things a new relationship always gives you a chance to start everything anew. Even though the outcome of your relationship depends on many factors, you can still do a lot to make a good start. Follow the aforementioned tips if you want to start a successful relationship and get married. What are some lessons you’ve learned from your past relationships?

7.       BE HONEST

Just like been real you should also be honest about everything I was once in a relationship where at the beginning there was a lie about age which eventually came to light and it messed up a whole lot although we found a way to patch up and keep moving, it actually caused more pain than gain so why lie If you lie, they'll find out — and then they'll know you're a liar, too. "The truth will come out eventually, so might as well face your disagreements now. It will not guarantee the end of the relationship


Ensure to try different things together, go for morning walks, lunch dates, and dinners with friends or colleagues. It can be illuminating to see your partner navigate different situations and relationships. Maybe they’re always nice to you, but they turn competitive around friends—these things are good to know before you get too involved. Be sure each person is maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Partners usually want to spend all of their time together, try to remember that balance is important. Continue to spend time with family and friends, exercise, work hard, and value your alone time. When people spend all of their time with a new partner, they risk losing themselves—and losing their friends, too, because they won’t appreciate getting ditched. Even in the most long-lasting relationships, partners should still maintain a sense of independence and diversity


Treat yourself well, and it will set an example of how your partner should treat you. “There is nothing wrong with being principled, knowing yourself, and being yourself, you should still be doing things for yourself, like taking time for self-care


I can’t stress this enough as I am a witness to how communication builds a relationship and how low communication gives room for rodents and pests in relationship. Communication can be one of the most important factors for maintaining a happy relationship. Be honest, say what you mean and mean what you say, be direct and considerate, choose battles wisely, treat your partner well, and avoid destructive things like yelling, insulting, and judging, comparing. The start of a relationship can lay the foundation for the future, so pay attention to how you communicate. If you don’t have the skills to communicate effectively, get professional help.
So how are you enhancing your new relationship, leave us your thoughts, opinions in the comment section and also don’t forget to share someone out there needs to see, read or hear this. One love form Eros Desire

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