How To Redefine Heart Break - The 5 IT | EROS DESIRE - Eros Desire


Smell The Roses, Spice The Feelings, Building The Unthinkable


Sunday 18 August 2019

How To Redefine Heart Break - The 5 IT | EROS DESIRE

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When they lose feelings for you when you are still crazy in love with them.

When they stop appreciating you when you still hold them at a very high regard.

When the love and support you are trying so hard to give create and rekindle is seen as a disturbance.

When the trust you have for a person is been thrown out the window like trash, ridiculing your personality, respect and all the effort you have put on yourself and into the relationship. And so in the list is endless.

Well am here to tell you, you’re reading this now only means; you’ll make it to the end of the year, survive the semester, overcome the heartbreak, hunger, and everything you’re going through right now.

Claim it, it’ll happen.

Remember: My whatsapp handle are always open to those who are going through stress, depression, heartbreak, the loss of a loved one and to those who just need someone to talk to. I don’t know everything but I try my best to help everyone.>> Join Our Whatsapp Channel

Today I was talking with a friend who happens to still be healing from a heart break that came at a point when everything seemed to be crashing into the wall.  But they was a take home message which comprises of 5 IT Put together to help you scale from that feeling, that situation, that misfit which you may be going through remember it's not the end of the world there is still so much beauty waiting ahead of you.


1. Face It

You need to come to an understanding with yourself to accept the fact that it has happened and in as much as it hurts they have lost a good friend and companion by loosing you face the effects which is your heart aces and understand that it is normal, it is counting to a better day, those quiet times that you have nothing to do but flash back on everything still remember;
Regardless of how it goes down life goes on - Rick Ross.

2. Feel It

Do not run from it allow yourself to feel it allow the experience to run through your veins this way  you get to fully understand your pain and the you can find soothing ways to handle it for the truth been told "we never learn from what we run from" in other words live the experience find the peace in your pain, the comedy in the situation and the tears in your heart, feel the experience, help yourself conquer your fear.

3. Reflect It

Utilize your quiet times, reflect on everything that has happened find the Bold and Blurry messages what can you learn from this experience, what do you have to work on within yourself, what do you have to watch out for in the future, what boundaries do you intend not to cross in future occurrences, how do you now see people after this incident and be sure to know that
"for the fact that someone or a group of people treated you badly doesn't make everyone bad"

4. Release It

Gathering all this within yourself isn't just going to birth the new you remember it's a healing process the world has a lot to offer in helping you overcome this feeling. So don't hide behind the walls of yourself, release the feeling, look and be happy find that which gives you joy embrace it. Releasing the energy that you are trying to overcome rekindled the love in you and you would find yourself giving out so much love without asking for anything in return but first you need to release this energy.

5. Forgive and Forget It

Fifth of IT. Forgive, forgiveness is priceless the moment you forgive you find yourself giving up all the grudges that are lurking within your heart, you find happiness in unexpected places and in the ordinary things of life with a big heart to love again some day and hence forget the pain.
Note: forgetting the pain doesn't mean forgetting the experience it is a life lesson.

While going through these five phases you should make it a priority to:

I. Appreciate yourself

No matter how small it doesn't matter what manner you plan on doing it find a way to love and appreciate yourself also you can't give love with knowing how to love yourself so take your time treat yourself better.


Whether It's a workout routine, yoga session, a healthier diet or just time with family make it a routine to get out of your shell and experience the world.


Let go of everything that reminds you of the pain embrace everything that helps you forget the pain it's OK to block of contacts change wardrobe or even relocate so long as it helps you heal at the end of the from what you suffer.


Accepting the fact that it has happened isn't just enough but seeing red from green and black from blue is necessary you have to move on into new possibilities it's totally worth it I tell you honestly.


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