How to Adopt a Progressive personality- erosdesire - Eros Desire


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Friday 6 March 2020

How to Adopt a Progressive personality- erosdesire

How to Adopt a Progressive personality- How to Grow your Mind

Progress has different meanings and definition to different people, what does progress mean to you? How do you see progress?

Progress has a lot to do with success and how you quantify success as they are both inter twined into one whole body. Regardless of how you see or understand progress as well as success let’s not forget that these phases do not come without challenges and as such, we need to build our self to be withstanding against all adversity as there is no gain without any pain. Outlines is a list that you would be need to keep your focus on the price; there are more though but the journey has to start from somewhere.

Know yourself and your circle

Understanding the idea of yourself, success, how you see things and your circle is the fist step in helping you making beneficial decisions as to growing yourself, excluding your self from things and also including yourself into things, ensuring that you end up in situations that grows and enhances you.

See and understand setbacks

Realizing and getting acquainted to what is setting you back gives you the edge in finding solutions on how to grow and build your self to the person you are really intended to be.

Understand Opinions

Learn and understand that there are different strokes to different folks and as such there would be different opinions to the path you choose even those who would encourage you to live your best life and not bother what someone else thinks would look bat you crazy when you actual begin to leave your life this is normal is the other of things which is why you need to understand that there are just opinions and not decisions or directions on how you should live your life and grow.
This brings us to you been your best self.

Filter out your best self

Becoming your best self is as a result of how well you filter opinions and what society (family, friends, school, environment etc.) around you teaches. Once you are able to get hold of this phase, you can unlock the better you even from the weaker you, helping you understand that you are different and you don’t have to try to be like every one else even when the are getting the things you really want/need to have in personality or otherwise, in the midst of this uncertainty you can find the you that is truly happy and what is making that you these happy; build it and grow yourself from it.

Accept your obsession.

Know and accept your obsession this would in turn give you a chance on learning how to live with it and as such get the upper hand in controlling it when it seems too difficult to overcome.
How do you do this - spend some time with yourself learn substitutes to your obsession and how to counter it in future circumstances substitutes can come in different forms my advice pick some of the things you enjoy doing as this would encourage you while it turns you from your obsession. Except your Obsession is MAKING YOUR SELF BETTER

Appreciate “me time”

Me time are those time you just want to be by yourself all you want to think is nothing but yourself and yourself appreciate those moments learn to utilize them for self-growth and upliftment, reflect on your day and actions plot out new routes to improving on your person and catch aa little bit of peace and quietness.

Take responsibility for your actions and building your goals.

To attain mental peace ant truly grow you need you first understand that you are responsible for your every action, you alone can set achievable goals for yourself and its up to you and you alone to ensure that you actually grow.
Accept your mistake
Build your goals
Encounter your fear

Pay the Price

Nothing is free keep that in mind and knowing the price of what you want is the first step to getting it paid for and actually valuing it. To progress and grow in life a certain price has to be paid in some cases it might just be “learning” learning in the sense that you need to learn new things and learning may not cost you money but it would definitely cost you time.

Bottom line: “There is a price to everything and not every debt is been paid in kind or cash” … Goaldigar

Celebrate Milestones

First be happy for those are winning appreciate them join them in celebrating, be genuinely happy for them and also be happy for your own steps whether big or small but for that fact that you are making steps at all is enough to be happy about. So, don’t be shy celebrate others and also celebrate yourself even if you are doing it alone be happy you are doing it.

Experience the whole journey

At the end of every journey, at that point where you get to say “whew Finally” is a very important part and a very much achievable feet but that doesn’t mean that we should forget where we are coming from and why we went through, the sacrifices and the time spent all this adds to the experience of us not forgetting who and how were and who we chose to be.

Take Home

Always keep in mind the need for you to grow and progress this serves as a fuel to making any of this possible and also don’t look down on yourself, never look down on yourself, accept the weaker you, accept on improving to a better you building a progressive you isn’t a one day, wee, or year journey its is more of a life time journey and as such we should always be ready to improve, grow learn and earn a better you for yourself those you love and the unknown.

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