8 Signs You Feel If Your Relationship Is Growing Positively - Eros Desire


Smell The Roses, Spice The Feelings, Building The Unthinkable


Wednesday 31 July 2019

8 Signs You Feel If Your Relationship Is Growing Positively

The range of emotions that you experience as a couple can range from feeling exhilarated over a positive event like a promotion, to feeling sorrow when one of you loses a loved one. Being there for your partner in good times and in bad is what a strong, loving relationship is all about.

The person you’re with should always make you feel appreciated, beautiful, and cherished in your relationship (as you should with them). You and your partner should form a team that’s stronger together than either of you ever were on your own, and help each other climb to new heights of happiness.
So without further ado, here are the 7 most incredible feelings that grow out of a successful relationship:
1. Excitement
The best relationships inspire passion in both parties no matter what’s going on.
When your partner walks through the door, are you excited to hold them in your arms? To kiss them? To want to do nothing but run your hands all over their body?
Successful relationships turn on the passion at the start and never turn it off. It might cool slightly for periods of time – like after children are born – but it never dies completely, and it always gets rekindled.
“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair” – Unknown
The feeling of trust is perhaps the most important one for couples in a loving relationship. Loving couples feel that they can rely on their partner not only to be honest but to provide a safe environment, protect their feelings, be reliable and build an intimate emotional bond.
Trust is key to a healthy sex life since this is the most vulnerable that couples can be with their physical selves and their feelings.
3. Restlessness
When one partner hurts, the other half of the relationship often hurts for them in some its controlled in some its not so tamed but its all part of the concern that kindles love. This concern for the feelings of your partner is part of your loving bond. Feeling concern means that loving couples care and feel empathy for their partner.
omfort is one of the most important feelings possible in a relationship. It’s the base line for everything else in the relationship to grow.
Without comfort, you can’t have trust. After all, how can trust grow if the two people aren’t comfortable telling each other anything and everything that’s on their mind?
The comfort between you and the right partner grows and grows, until they’re someone you can talk to about anything – whether you’re laughing or talking about something really serious – and you can be lovers and best friends wrapped up into one.
The  thought of your relationship ending should be the last thing on your mind.
That’s because you and your partner know how to engage with problems and work through them, rather than letting them work you over.
You know that you love each other too much to let your relationship end over something silly.
He’s there to take care of you, just like you’re there to take care of him, in sickness and in health, no matter what.
Although anger is something that partners feel, more often couples feel frustration over miscommunication. Feeling frustration is usually a result of one partner’s expectations not being met. Either your partner didn’t know what you expected or they knew and didn’t follow through.
If one partner has said “I’m not a mind reader!” it’s probably because the partners aren’t good at communicating their needs. Loving couples all experience this and because they care, they work on clearly communicating their needs to their partner.
If one partner didn’t do what was expected, loving couples handle this multiple ways. The easiest is to just let it go. Whatever caused the frustration is in the past now so a loving spouse will forgive and continue to feel deep love for their partner in spite of their faults.
Or, partners may decide to confront their spouse and express that they let them down this one time. They explain what they would like them to do differently next time, and thank them for listening.
Loving couples are supportive of their shared hopes and aspirations. They have a long future ahead of them and they are have a positive outlook. They can see what they’ve been able to overcome in their relationship this far and they feel hopeful for what’s to come.
Loving couples expect the best, but plan for the worst. 
Of course loving couples feel romantic love for each other, but devotion to each other is so much more. Partners who are devoted feel loyal to their partner. They are kind and supportive. Devoted couples are supportive of their partner’s decisions. They will be there through good times and bad.
Loving couples with feelings of devotion are deeply committed to their partner. Not only would they never cheat, they envision the next 50 or more years with their love. This is a characteristic of the deep, true love that passionate, romantic, couples feel.
8. Safety
This circles back to comfort, which circles back to trust. Being with your partner should be a completely safe experience for you, you should NEVER fear them.
It’s OK to worry if they’re mad at you or if they’re upset about something, but that should never spill over into physical violence.
If you’re ever afraid your partner is going to be physically violent towards you, something is seriously wrong. If you don’t feel safe with them, they’re not the right person for you.
These 8 are just to mention but a few spice your relationship build the unthinkable its all in your hands.

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