Hopeless Romantic, What does It Mean, Are You? - Eros Desire


Smell The Roses, Spice The Feelings, Building The Unthinkable


Thursday 13 December 2018

Hopeless Romantic, What does It Mean, Are You?

Ever heard the expression “hopeless romantic?” Maybe someone has said that you are one. Maybe you’ve thought that your partner might fall into that category.

Maybe you aren’t really sure what it means.
Someone who is described as a “hopeless romantic” is generally someone who has a big heart.

They always see the best in people, especially their romantic partners, or with whom they are hoping to get romantic with.

They tend to put their prospective partners up on a pedestal, not seeing any of their faults, and “filling in the gaps” or their story, with imagined wonderful traits and deeds.

Because of this, hopeless romantics get hurt more than the average, more-cautious people who do not plunge head-first into relationships.

What are some of the other characteristics that define hopeless romantics?

They are optimists

Hopeless romantics are optimists in all parts of their lives, not only concerning love.

This is a rather endearing personality trait and one that is pleasant to be around.

They see everything sunny side up and rarely cast a critical eye around them.
Another job/apartment/love story is “just around the corner” so they are usually fairly happy, hopeful people.

Their film of choice? The sappy romance
Hopeless romantics love a good love story on screen.

They are perfect Hallmark movie consumers.

They watch them over and over and can repeat the dialogue by heart. It’s cute until it becomes annoying to the non-hopeless romantics around them!

Nice words are not just for special days,
The hopeless romantic hears a nice compliment, feels a heart warming gesture or even sees the flower-delivery guy come into the office with a big bouquet of red roses and their heart rate quickens.

It’s not their birthday nor is it any special occasion, but they still reserve hope that that impressive arrangement of long-stemmed roses is for them. 

Why not?

They project feelings onto things that usually don’t have any.

When their best friend complains about all the truly awful things her boyfriend does to her (stands her up, cheats on her, borrows money he never repays), rather than encouraging a break up, the hopeless romantic always sees the silver lining and remains convinced that one day, the boyfriend will change and things will work out for them.

They love looking at wedding photos, even albums of people they barely know. They even tear up at the vows video.

When some couple they don’t know gets engaged in a public space, like a restaurant, they are over-the-moon thrilled for them, and do not find this act cheesy in the least.

They refuse to read articles about how outdated monogamy is, or watch TV shows that extol the virtues of polyamory, that claim it is the “natural” state of people to love several people at the same time.

First date? They are over-the-top excited
They will spend an extraordinary amount of time thinking about their outfit, their makeup, their perfume and rehearsing what they will say and discuss.

By the second date, they are already imagining their wedding trousseau and what kind of monogrammed pillowcases they should order.

They see beauty in everything
Because it is all connected to them.
You might think that is a weed growing out of the crack in the sidewalk; to the hopeless romantic it is a flower-to-be.

The hopeless romantic remains optimistic that, even if the person has had six bad relationships behind them, the seventh will be “the one.”

Their favorite activity with their partner?
A toss-up between a long walk, or a shared bubble bath.

All while talking about their innermost feelings and emotions. They think love is part fate and destiny, and not much based on conscious pursuit or intent.

“It just happens,” they might say.

They firmly believe in love at first sight.

They believe there is a soulmate for everyone out there, someone who is their destiny from birth.

When in a relationship, they not only celebrate their yearly anniversary but their monthly one. And they have a special song.
They have an adorable level of enthusiasm that makes their friends smile.

Even when love doesn’t work out, they remain hopeful
The great things about hopeless romantics is that they are never dissuaded by a relationship failure.

“I’m one step closer to finding my better half” they will say after a breakup.

They invest energy in keeping their relationship happy and healthy
And when they find a good match for them, they make sure to keep things happy and hot.

They are willing to put in the effort necessary to create a good relationship that will remain good over the long-term.

Is it Good or Bad to Be a Hopeless Romantic?

Depending on the context, you can use the term hopeless romantic to describe someone in either a “positive” or a “negative” way.

Negative” Hopeless Romantic Example:
Keith is such a hopeless romantic; he’ll never find someone who can live up to the standards he has in his mind of what a relationship is!

Positive” Hopeless Romantic Example:
My husband has always been a hopeless romantic. Every once in awhile he surprises me with a planned weekend getaway, just the two of us. 

He really knows how to keep the passion going, even though it’s been years!

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