Our Thoughts Determines Our Reality - Eros Desire


Smell The Roses, Spice The Feelings, Building The Unthinkable


Saturday 22 December 2018

Our Thoughts Determines Our Reality

"It is a metaphysical fact that for each minute of time we spend in thoughts of unfavourable impressions, unkind criticism, or hate toward any person, there will be hours of physical and mental suffering as a reaction.

The first thing to do, then, in considering the relief of any mental or physical condition is to analyse your mental self over a period of time preceding the condition and discover what thoughts, attitudes, and conditions of mind you have held or expressed, and immediately eliminate this attitude by reversing your opinions, thoughts, and holding thoughts of love and kindness instead.
In other words, the poison from the mind that has been eating at the very heart of every cell in your body must be eliminated before any treatment can be given to relieve the ultimate and outer manifestations.
Any other process is merely treating the outer manifestations as though giving them a drug to nullify the senses without removing the actual cause.”
 Harvey Spencer Lewis
Whilst negative thoughts may have a detrimental impact on our health, the impact is completely reversible.
However this can only happen if we truly confront the cause of our negativity.
We must always take the time to go to the root of our distress in order to truly plant everlasting seeds of love, peace and harmony.
Too often we focus on addressing the symptoms without analysing the cause. And perhaps when we read quotes like these we are afraid of letting any negative thought cross our mind at all.
However, this is an impermanent and disingenuous approach.
If we do not look to the source of our negative thought patterns, no real change can take place.
Is it low self-esteem?  Self-doubt? Regret?  Guilt? Shame?
The only way to transform our negativity into positivity is to be honest with our thoughts and de-construct the negative narratives we tell ourselves.
Only then can we see what is truly behind them. Only then can we truly heal.
We really are masters of our thoughts and minds.
Today, let us ensure they are of the very highest.

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