Loneliness With A Different Feel - Eros Desire


Smell The Roses, Spice The Feelings, Building The Unthinkable


Monday 10 December 2018

Loneliness With A Different Feel

There are times in life when friends and family may surround us and yet we still feel so very much alone.

At other times, we are lonely because we live alone and spend a lot of time on our own.

One form of loneliness is circumstantial, in which, for a variety of reasons, many people are required to live by themselves.

Another kind is quite different, for although we may be surrounded by others, we come to experience an inner loneliness.

This can occur when we are on a spiritual path and have to take certain steps on the path entirely alone, and cannot depend on friends or teachers for guidance and help.

At stages such as these, we need to become more attuned to our inner selves and thereby establish a divine companionship, which will always prove to be a source of inspiration and comfort for the long journey ahead.

In the early stages of our spiritual searching, we often find that our new knowledge and experiences conflict with the conventional views and opinions of friends and family.

It is at this point that it must be decided whether to proceed along this path and risk widening these differences, to remain in limbo, constantly torn between two world-views, or to retreat to the comfortable, mundane world from which we emerged.
Should we have the inner strength and the determination to forge ahead, then we may evoke from within ourselves the companionship of something profoundly sacred which resides in varying measure in all living things, the so-called “divine light” which is ever ready to provide greater illumination on our path.

Forms of Loneliness

The loneliness we feel on the physical plane can be overcome by our association with others of like mind.

But an effort must be made if we are to attract others to us, and it is our character that provides the attractive force that brings about harmony among friends.

On the mental plane, a sense of loneliness can be overcome through serious study of those subjects which the mind is consciously or unconsciously attracted to.
Restlessness can be changed to a consuming interest once we have found that which we find intriguing and worthy of our investigation.

The loneliness of the soul is, however, quite another experience and until we realise this deep inner call there can be no real peace of mind for us.

The experience of loneliness can be a blessing in disguise if it leads us to the true path of mystical attunement.

One who has left the mystical and spiritual nature of his or her being undeveloped is likely to feel a sense of inadequacy, to be a little uncertain, fearful, and lacking in confidence and self-esteem.

However, those whose life experiences have made them reflect upon the more serious issues of life, and have awakened their mystical awareness, will inwardly sense greater peace and harmony in their beings, more confidence, and an inner assurance.

Their sympathies and concern for others will be more prominent in their consciousness and they will have a love of life that comes only from a deep inner response to life’s activities.

We cannot discard or negate our deep-seated feelings.

Life has too much meaning that goes far beyond the intellect and the limitations of the mind.

We are all familiar with the well-known quotation from Blaise Pascal: “the heart has its reasons of which the reason knows nothing.”

So often we try to ignore our deeper feelings about the issues of life, but these feelings are the responses to the soul life within, and its influence is all-pervading and powerful.

How often have you been deeply moved by your emotions?

You know how difficult it is to control these feelings with rational thought alone, for the soul force within needs to express itself in ways that often cannot be intellectualised.

We should not try to divert our minds from those experiences, but try to see what lessons we can learn from them.

The centre of our attention should be to bring about emotions of love, harmony, peace and a sense of kindliness towards others.

We need to exercise the will in order that the wisdom we have acquired through years of experience will be reflected in a deep love for all living things; for as we build this attitude to life and have it become the central motivation of our lives, we will feel and know a love, a spiritual power and spiritual companionship far beyond our present hopes which we must use for the good of others, and our lives will then become a great blessing to all humanity.

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